Best 3 Nintendo DS Games to Play in the 21st Century

It’s hard to believe that so many years have passed since Nintendo released its DS handheld. It seems like it was only yesterday that we were buying and swapping cartridges with Mario, Robots, Spider-Man 2 and many other games developed for Nintendo DS. Still, true legends don’t age. Neither do they sink into oblivion. And what about you? Want to feel like holding a real DS console in your hand again? Speaking of real consoles… Nowadays, you don’t even need a physical console to play your favorite DS titles.

All you need is emulators, programs that enable you to play vintage console games on your PC, laptop, or any other device. So, if you’re determined to reunite with your favorite DS characters, there is only one step that separates you from realizing your dream.

Just download a reliable emulator and don’t forget about Nintendo DS ROMs Downloads, the games for an emulator, and start enjoying retro gaming! Just in case you forgot about how cool Nintendo DS games were, let us refresh your memory. Below you will find some of the best NDS titles you may want to play in the 21st century.

Best 3 Nintendo DS Games to Play in the 21st Century

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania is one of the most popular NDS video games series. Dawn of Sorrow was the debut game in the series to receive public acclaim in 2005. The action of the game takes place in Dracula’s castle, quite a creepy place inhabited by the bloodthirsty spawns of the night – vampires. Nonetheless, we were too hard a nut to crack. There was a variety of weapons at our disposal. It was so much fun to crush the evil with magic swords, axes, and spears. By there was a noble goal behind those killings. We needed to release as many wicked souls as possible and put them to good use.

If you want to try playing the immortal classic on your PC or smartphone, just download the corresponding ROM!

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Картинки по запросу Kirby Super Star Ultra

Kirby Super Star Ultra is the remake of the original games. It’s the third game that is packed with more options and bosses to make your gameplay even more enjoyable and exciting. Moreover, the game boasts updated graphics and numerous mini-games played. On the original console, a stylus ensured more precise touch and control, which allowed us to earn more coins and defeat more evil bosses.

In case you forgot how cool it was to inhale and swallow Kirby’s enemies and copy their abilities, you’re just bound to give the game another shot!

Pokémon Black and White

Картинки по запросу Pokémon Black and White

Our list of the best DS games would be incomplete if e failed to mention Pokémon Black and White. It’s is the fifth generation of a Pokémon series released for Nintendo DS. Though the gameplay remained virtually the same, we got an opportunity to test to more than 150 brand new Pokémon and their abilities. In Pokémon Black and White, we can pick only one starter Pokémon to go on the journey towards fame and recognition.

The only thing that never changed in the numerous Pokémon series was its objective. We need to catch as many pocket monsters as possible. It’s also crucial to take good care of our trainees and develop their abilities. Remember the words of the famous song, “To catch them is my real test, / To train them is my cause…?” That’s what Pokémon’s is really about.

And what kind of trainer are you?

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