Plagiarism can be the worst or most terrifying thing for the content writer and freelancers. It can affect the productivity and damage the revenue of a freelance content writer. It is necessary for writers to understand what is mean by plagiarism? So it makes easy for them to avoid and removed from their piece of work.
For a writer, it is important to deliver the quality content to the clients and ethically it is necessary to deliver the work as per commitment and make sure the content must not be copied from any other document or material which is associated with other writers work. As a freelance, you can avoid this potential issue through the plagiarism checker software.
The software will accommodate you by identifying the issues and helps to resolve them with proper paraphrasing and citation. Furthermore, you can avoid this serious issue through some important tips including paraphrasing, citations and with the help of plagiarism checking tools.
How to avoid plagiarism – some notable tips
Ideas can be shared, rewrite, copied and split off but the necessary thing that should be avoided is not published someone’s work without permission. It is unethical and considers as a serious offense of plagiarism. We are living in the modern age of technology it is easy for your client to catch you if your content is involved in this offense. To avoid plagiarism here are some useful tips that can save you and will increase the revenues as well.
Make your notes
As a freelancer, you can get the information from different sources and use them in your work as well. But if you are just copying and pasting the source file that means you are involving in the serious plagiarism offense. To avoid this critical issue make sure to develop your own notes for such information that brought from other sources and write it down in your own words as your own idea. Rewriting the idea into your words can reduce the risk of plagiarism from your content.
Use proper citation
You can add someone’s work or idea into your content but make sure not to commit the plagiarism because it’s ethically a crime. If you are using other writer’s work into yours then use proper citation and paraphrasing or mention the source that can make your work plagiarism free. You can use the in-text citation or can add the sources at the end of the document and mention it as a source file.
Use quotation marks to highlight quotes
If you want to add other’s writer idea, thought or any statement that you feel can support your arguments then make sure to use it with proper quotation marks and inverted commas. It is a simple and most common way to remove the plagiarism from the content.
Manage in-house projects
Freelancing is a growing industry; you can make good money through this but make sure the quality of the work and customers expectations. We observed that freelancers involve some outsource writers to increase productivity and to complete the projects that ultimately increase their revenue. But it is necessary to make sure that your writers should not be involved in the offense of plagiarism because if they did it, it affects your goodwill and probably you will lose your client as well. Try to manage the work in-house that make it easy for you to examine, check and inspect the outcomes.
Use plagiarism checking software
There are multiple plagiarism checker tools that can provide the scanning and complete inspection of your writing to identify and resolve the plagiarism related issues. Plagiarism checking software is designed to review and inspect the writer’s content against their database that have multiple of the already uploaded content. If the software finds out plagiarism related issues in the writers content then it will help to identify and to rectify the error by suggesting the proper paraphrasing.
Prepostseo – reliable & efficient plagiarism checking software
There are multiple plagiarism checking tools are available in the market but prepostseo is the most efficient and reliable tool designed especially for the freelance writers. It comes up with different features and plug-ins that help to make effective changes in content and make sure to identify and remove the plagiarism issue from the content. You can find it easy to use; it is almost free for everyone that makes it freelancer priority choice.